stdClass Object (
[uid] => 1
[name] => admin
[pass] => bb51e1a8beb2c02105a47f5607d301ec
[mail] => perltips@gmail.xxx
[mode] => 0
[sort] => 0
[threshold] => 0
[theme] =>
[signature] => -- Drupal Administrator
[created] => 1166060117
[access] => 1179184365
[login] => 1178917458
[status] => 1
[timezone] => -28800
[language] => en
[picture] =>
[init] => perltips@gmailx.xxx
[data] => a:0:{}
[sid] => qv39sulolfsfgv0hhl7iv4fp17
[hostname] =>
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[cache] => 0
[session] => xyz_startdate|s:10:"1175832189";xyz_enddate|s:10:"1178917831";
[roles] => Array
[2] => authenticated user
[3] => administrators
stdClass Object (
[uid] => 1
[name] => admin
[pass] => bb51e1a8beb2c02105a47f5607d301ec
[mail] => perltips@gmail.xxx
[mode] => 0
[sort] => 0
[threshold] => 0
[theme] =>
[signature] => -- Drupal Administrator
[created] => 1166060117
[access] => 1179184365
[login] => 1178917458
[status] => 1
[timezone] => -28800
[language] => en
[picture] =>
[init] => perltips@gmailx.xxx
[data] => a:0:{}
[sid] => qv39sulolfsfgv0hhl7iv4fp17
[hostname] =>
[timestamp] => 1179184365
[cache] => 0
[session] => xyz_startdate|s:10:"1175832189";xyz_enddate|s:10:"1178917831";
[roles] => Array
[2] => authenticated user
[3] => administrators
Understanding the development of Drupal's module is also equals to understand a concept of node (content type), a hook system (callback function named 'hook'), and a form ($form).
I have already explained Drupal's hook system in "Drupal: a Minimum Set of Hooks to Develop a Module". So let me try to implement a module concretely here. The module name is 'hook'.
It is necessary to implement a module with four files such as yourmodule.info, yourmodule.install, yourmodule.module, yourmodule.css since Drupal 5. Therefore, in case of a developement of a module called 'hook', those four files must be created. This hook module includes a set of fields such as a title, a body and a unique value hid (= hook ID) with one of letters from 'A' to 'E' in this 'hook' module. A letter 'A' to 'E' to be displayed will be stored the corresponding a value from one to five in a database. The default value of hid can be set in https://yourdomain.com/admin/settings/hook. The following is an example of the 'hook' module.
Understanding the development of Drupal's module is also equals to understand a concept of node (content type), a hook system (callback function named 'hook'), and a form ($form).
I have already explained Drupal's hook system in "Drupal: a Minimum Set of Hooks to Develop a Module". So let me try to implement a module concretely here. The module name is 'hook'.
It is necessary to implement a module with four files such as yourmodule.info, yourmodule.install, yourmodule.module, yourmodule.css since Drupal 5. Therefore, in case of a developement of a module called 'hook', those four files must be created. This hook module includes a set of fields such as a title, a body and a unique value hid (= hook ID) with one of letters from 'A' to 'E' in this 'hook' module. A letter 'A' to 'E' to be displayed will be stored the corresponding a value from one to five in a database. The default value of hid can be set in https://yourdomain.com/admin/settings/hook. The following is an example of the 'hook' module.