open(SEND, '/usr/sbin/sendmail') || die;
use Net::SMTP; use MIME::Entity;
use Net::SMTP;
use MIME::Entity;
# Settings
our $SENDER = '送信元のメールアドレス';
our $RECIPIENT = '送信先のメールアドレス';
our $SUBJECT = 'タイトル';
our $ATTACHED_FILE_1 = '/home/youraccount/添付ファイル名その1.jpg';
our $ATTACHED_FILE_2 = '/home/youraccount/添付ファイル名その2.jpg';
# Create object
my $smtp=Net::SMTP->new('localhost',
# Built headers
$smtp->mail($SENDER); # Sender
$smtp->to ($RECIPIENT); # Receiver
# Built Data (Create data by MIME::Entity)
my $mime = MIME::Entity->build(
From => $SENDER , # Sender (data)
To => $RECIPIENT, # Receiver (data)
Subject => $SUBJECT , # Subject
Data => ['']); # body
# Attached file
Type => 'image/jpeg',
Encoding => 'Base64'
# Attached file
Type => 'image/jpeg',
Encoding => 'Base64'
# Attached file (Text)
# $mime->attach(
# Type => 'text/plain',
# Encoding => '-SUGGEST'
$smtp->datasend($mime->stringify); # transfer strings
# Data termination and send mail
#Quit SMTP connection
# for debug
print "Sender : $SENDER\n";
print "Recipient : $RECIPIENT\n";
print "Attached : $ATTACHED_FILE\n";
open(SEND, '/usr/sbin/sendmail') || die;
use Net::SMTP; use MIME::Entity;
use Net::SMTP;
use MIME::Entity;
# Settings
our $SENDER = '送信元のメールアドレス';
our $RECIPIENT = '送信先のメールアドレス';
our $SUBJECT = 'タイトル';
our $ATTACHED_FILE_1 = '/home/youraccount/添付ファイル名その1.jpg';
our $ATTACHED_FILE_2 = '/home/youraccount/添付ファイル名その2.jpg';
# Create object
my $smtp=Net::SMTP->new('localhost',
# Built headers
$smtp->mail($SENDER); # Sender
$smtp->to ($RECIPIENT); # Receiver
# Built Data (Create data by MIME::Entity)
my $mime = MIME::Entity->build(
From => $SENDER , # Sender (data)
To => $RECIPIENT, # Receiver (data)
Subject => $SUBJECT , # Subject
Data => ['']); # body
# Attached file
Type => 'image/jpeg',
Encoding => 'Base64'
# Attached file
Type => 'image/jpeg',
Encoding => 'Base64'
# Attached file (Text)
# $mime->attach(
# Type => 'text/plain',
# Encoding => '-SUGGEST'
$smtp->datasend($mime->stringify); # transfer strings
# Data termination and send mail
#Quit SMTP connection
# for debug
print "Sender : $SENDER\n";
print "Recipient : $RECIPIENT\n";
print "Attached : $ATTACHED_FILE\n";
my $str = 'Perl では';
print $str . '文字列をシングルクォートで囲むのが基本';
print "$str このように、ダブルクォーテーションで囲むことができる";
print '文字列を' . '連結する';
print q|これはシングルクォートで囲ったのと同じ意味|;
print qq|これはダブルクォーテーションで囲ったのと同じ意味|;
print q/…qの後にくる記号はスラッシュとかも使える/;
print qq/…同じく qqの後にくる記号はスラッシュとかも使える/;
my $mail = '';
print $mail;
→これはきちんと と表示される。
$mail = "";
print $mail;
→ こちらは と表示される。なぜなら、@twinkle が変数とみなされるからである。
→ use strict を使ったらエラーとなる。
my $str = 'Perl では';
print $str . '文字列をシングルクォートで囲むのが基本';
print "$str このように、ダブルクォーテーションで囲むことができる";
print '文字列を' . '連結する';
print q|これはシングルクォートで囲ったのと同じ意味|;
print qq|これはダブルクォーテーションで囲ったのと同じ意味|;
print q/…qの後にくる記号はスラッシュとかも使える/;
print qq/…同じく qqの後にくる記号はスラッシュとかも使える/;
my $mail = '';
print $mail;
→これはきちんと と表示される。
$mail = "";
print $mail;
→ こちらは と表示される。なぜなら、@twinkle が変数とみなされるからである。
→ use strict を使ったらエラーとなる。
use MIME::Parser; use MIME::Base64; use Mail::Address;
use MIME::Parser;
use MIME::Base64;
use Mail::Address;
use Unicode::Japanese;
my ($mail) = &parse;
print "From: " . $mail->{sender} . "\n";
print "To: " . $mail->{recipient} . "\n";
print "Subject: " . $mail->{subject} . "\n";
sub parse {
my ($mail);
# Parser Setting
my $parser = new MIME::Parser;
$parser->output_to_core(1); # Keeps body analyzed internally
$parser->tmp_recycling (1); # Recycles the temporary stuff
my $entity = $parser->parse(\*STDIN) or die "Parse Error in __FILE__\n";
# Headers
$mail->{sender } = $entity->head->get('from' );
$mail->{subject } = $entity->head->get('subject');
$mail->{recipient} = $entity->head->get('to' );
$mail->{recipient} =~ s/\n//g;
# From
@addrs = Mail::Address->parse($mail->{sender});
foreach $addr (@addrs) {
$mail->{sender} = $addr->address if $addr->address; # USE CAUTION, for the multiple address
# Subject
my $subject = $mail->{subject};
$lws = '(?:(?:\x0D\x0A|\x0D|\x0A)?[ \t])+';
$ew_regex = '=\?ISO-2022-JP\?B\?([A-Za-z0-9+/]+=*)\?=';
$subject =~ s/\n//g;
$subject =~ s/($ew_regex)$lws(?=$ew_regex)/$1/gio;
$subject =~ s/$lws/ /go;
$subject =~ s/$ew_regex/decode_base64($1)/egio;
$subject = Unicode::Japanese->new($subject, 'auto')->sjis_imode;
$mail->{subject} = $subject;
# Get MIME
($mail->{body}, $mail->{filename}, $mail->{mimetype}, $mail->{object}) = &getEntities($entity);
$mail->{body } = Unicode::Japanese->new($mail->{body}, 'auto')->sjis_imode;
$mail->{body } =~ s/[ \n\r]+$//g; # Delete the white spaces in the end of the line
$mail->{subject} =~ s/[ \n\r]+$//g; # Delete the white spaces in the end of the line
return $mail;
sub getEntities {
my $entity = shift;
my $body, $filename, $mimetype, $object;
my @parts = $entity->parts;
if (@parts) { # multipart...
my $i;
foreach $i (0 .. $#parts) { # dump each part...
} else { # single part...
# Get MIME type, and display accordingly...
my ($type, $subtype) = split('/', $entity->head->mime_type);
my $bodyhandle = $entity->bodyhandle;
if ($type =~ /^(text|message)$/) { # text
$body .= $bodyhandle->as_string;
} else { # binary
$filename= $entity->head->recommended_filename;
$mimetype = $entity->head->mime_type;
$object = $bodyhandle->as_string;
# if we want to store it as BASE64, you can continue the processs here
return ($body, $filename, $mimetype, $object);
use MIME::Parser; use MIME::Base64; use Mail::Address;
use MIME::Parser;
use MIME::Base64;
use Mail::Address;
use Unicode::Japanese;
my ($mail) = &parse;
print "From: " . $mail->{sender} . "\n";
print "To: " . $mail->{recipient} . "\n";
print "Subject: " . $mail->{subject} . "\n";
sub parse {
my ($mail);
# Parser Setting
my $parser = new MIME::Parser;
$parser->output_to_core(1); # Keeps body analyzed internally
$parser->tmp_recycling (1); # Recycles the temporary stuff
my $entity = $parser->parse(\*STDIN) or die "Parse Error in __FILE__\n";
# Headers
$mail->{sender } = $entity->head->get('from' );
$mail->{subject } = $entity->head->get('subject');
$mail->{recipient} = $entity->head->get('to' );
$mail->{recipient} =~ s/\n//g;
# From
@addrs = Mail::Address->parse($mail->{sender});
foreach $addr (@addrs) {
$mail->{sender} = $addr->address if $addr->address; # USE CAUTION, for the multiple address
# Subject
my $subject = $mail->{subject};
$lws = '(?:(?:\x0D\x0A|\x0D|\x0A)?[ \t])+';
$ew_regex = '=\?ISO-2022-JP\?B\?([A-Za-z0-9+/]+=*)\?=';
$subject =~ s/\n//g;
$subject =~ s/($ew_regex)$lws(?=$ew_regex)/$1/gio;
$subject =~ s/$lws/ /go;
$subject =~ s/$ew_regex/decode_base64($1)/egio;
$subject = Unicode::Japanese->new($subject, 'auto')->sjis_imode;
$mail->{subject} = $subject;
# Get MIME
($mail->{body}, $mail->{filename}, $mail->{mimetype}, $mail->{object}) = &getEntities($entity);
$mail->{body } = Unicode::Japanese->new($mail->{body}, 'auto')->sjis_imode;
$mail->{body } =~ s/[ \n\r]+$//g; # Delete the white spaces in the end of the line
$mail->{subject} =~ s/[ \n\r]+$//g; # Delete the white spaces in the end of the line
return $mail;
sub getEntities {
my $entity = shift;
my $body, $filename, $mimetype, $object;
my @parts = $entity->parts;
if (@parts) { # multipart...
my $i;
foreach $i (0 .. $#parts) { # dump each part...
} else { # single part...
# Get MIME type, and display accordingly...
my ($type, $subtype) = split('/', $entity->head->mime_type);
my $bodyhandle = $entity->bodyhandle;
if ($type =~ /^(text|message)$/) { # text
$body .= $bodyhandle->as_string;
} else { # binary
$filename= $entity->head->recommended_filename;
$mimetype = $entity->head->mime_type;
$object = $bodyhandle->as_string;
# if we want to store it as BASE64, you can continue the processs here
return ($body, $filename, $mimetype, $object);
sub getEmails {
my $text = shift;
my @emails;
my $email_regex =
. q{¥[¥]¥000-¥037¥x80-¥xff])|"[^¥¥¥¥¥x80-¥xff¥n¥015"]*(?:¥¥¥¥[^¥x80-¥xff][}
. q{^¥¥¥¥¥x80-¥xff¥n¥015"]*)*")(?:¥.(?:[^(¥040)<:>@,;:".¥¥¥¥¥[¥]¥000-¥037¥x}
. q{80-¥xff]+(?![^(¥040)<:>@,;:".¥¥¥¥¥[¥]¥000-¥037¥x80-¥xff])|"[^¥¥¥¥¥x80-}
. q{¥xff¥n¥015"]*(?:¥¥¥¥[^¥x80-¥xff][^¥¥¥¥¥x80-¥xff¥n¥015"]*)*"))*@(?:[^(}
. q{¥040)<:>@,;:".¥¥¥¥¥[¥]¥000-¥037¥x80-¥xff]+(?![^(¥040)<:>@,;:".¥¥¥¥¥[¥]¥0}
. q{00-¥037¥x80-¥xff])|¥[(?:[^¥¥¥¥¥x80-¥xff¥n¥015¥[¥]]|¥¥¥¥[^¥x80-¥xff])*}
. q{¥])(?:¥.(?:[^(¥040)<:>@,;:".¥¥¥¥¥[¥]¥000-¥037¥x80-¥xff]+(?![^(¥040)<:>@,}
. q{;:".¥¥¥¥¥[¥]¥000-¥037¥x80-¥xff])|¥[(?:[^¥¥¥¥¥x80-¥xff¥n¥015¥[¥]]|¥¥¥¥[}
. q{^¥x80-¥xff])*¥]))*};
my $i = 0;
while($text =~ /($email_regex)/o && $i++ < 50) {
push(@emails, $1);
$text =~ s/$1/XXXXXXXXXX/g;
return @emails;
sub emailToLink {
my $text = shift;
my @emails = &getEmails($text);
foreach my $email (@emails) {
$text =~ s/$email/<a href=mailto:$email>$email<¥/>/g;
return $text;
sub getEmails {
my $text = shift;
my @emails;
my $email_regex =
. q{¥[¥]¥000-¥037¥x80-¥xff])|"[^¥¥¥¥¥x80-¥xff¥n¥015"]*(?:¥¥¥¥[^¥x80-¥xff][}
. q{^¥¥¥¥¥x80-¥xff¥n¥015"]*)*")(?:¥.(?:[^(¥040)<:>@,;:".¥¥¥¥¥[¥]¥000-¥037¥x}
. q{80-¥xff]+(?![^(¥040)<:>@,;:".¥¥¥¥¥[¥]¥000-¥037¥x80-¥xff])|"[^¥¥¥¥¥x80-}
. q{¥xff¥n¥015"]*(?:¥¥¥¥[^¥x80-¥xff][^¥¥¥¥¥x80-¥xff¥n¥015"]*)*"))*@(?:[^(}
. q{¥040)<:>@,;:".¥¥¥¥¥[¥]¥000-¥037¥x80-¥xff]+(?![^(¥040)<:>@,;:".¥¥¥¥¥[¥]¥0}
. q{00-¥037¥x80-¥xff])|¥[(?:[^¥¥¥¥¥x80-¥xff¥n¥015¥[¥]]|¥¥¥¥[^¥x80-¥xff])*}
. q{¥])(?:¥.(?:[^(¥040)<:>@,;:".¥¥¥¥¥[¥]¥000-¥037¥x80-¥xff]+(?![^(¥040)<:>@,}
. q{;:".¥¥¥¥¥[¥]¥000-¥037¥x80-¥xff])|¥[(?:[^¥¥¥¥¥x80-¥xff¥n¥015¥[¥]]|¥¥¥¥[}
. q{^¥x80-¥xff])*¥]))*};
my $i = 0;
while($text =~ /($email_regex)/o && $i++ < 50) {
push(@emails, $1);
$text =~ s/$1/XXXXXXXXXX/g;
return @emails;
sub emailToLink {
my $text = shift;
my @emails = &getEmails($text);
foreach my $email (@emails) {
$text =~ s/$email/<a href=mailto:$email>$email<¥/>/g;
return $text;